Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pocket Tanks

That is one game, which created nostalgic feelings in my mind. A little and simple game of war tank, where you set the speed and the angle for the tank to hit the enemy. The most interesting part of it is the variety of weapons. A kool game.

I remember Mr. Georgie brought the game to the mass, first a small version, then he found some crack to the deluxe version. Believe it that time lions share of the time in the computer lab was used to play the game. And guess what it makes more interesting to play, it was banned in the lab itself!!! Still remember Ms Jincy got fed up with this “studious” gang..he he

Ahmm, What made me think about the PT once again? I saw a flash of this game from elsewhere and couldnt resist to play it again, so took the pain and downloaded it again. I played many rounds in this short time, the memories of the past tension free life it gives is awesome.

Thats all folks, Time to Beat CPU10 :)

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