Indian practices.
Time has changed a lot. Now there is a scarecity for time for people. The days where the members of the family do the "Sandhya Prayers" is not longer exists, if so, may be very rarely.
In ancient times, hmm not too ancient, say till the last generation, there were some practices or rituals performed by the people of India as a part of their daily duties. It was a habit. And that habit cannot be threw away saying it as superstitions, it has a scientific back up too, more than that it gradually making each and every individual to respect others and the nature.
I just had a thought of writing it down here, so that I can recollect it , also if anybody reads it ( dont know anyone reads this) let the knowledge pass.
It was a practice in India, when we wake up in the morning, we used to see a "good Sight"(Kani) at first, after a long hours of sleep, when your brain is free, first see a good thing. In India, when we open the eyes, we use to see our both palms joint together , with this prayer
"Karagre Vasathe Lakshmy
Karamadhye Saraswathy
Karamoole Stidha Gouri
Prabhathey Kara darsanam"
The intention is I am seeing Lakshmy (Goddess of wealth) on the tip of my palm, I am seeing Saraswathy (Goddess of Knowledge) on the middle and I am seeing Gouri (Mother of All) in the bottom.
The scientifc side for this is to keep on in the bed itself in the sitting position, so that by the time of this prayer his body do the balancing of blood pumping pressure to the heart
Then Before we touch the feet on ground, we touch floor with hand and then touch our head, a gesture of giving respect to Mother Earth with this prayer
"Samudra vasane Devi
Parvatha Sthana Mandale
Vishnu Patni Namasthubyam
Paada Sparsham Kshamaswamey"
The Scientific back up for this habit is that to release bio static electricity accumulated in the body through while sleeping the body accumulates Bio static electricity, When we woke up and do normal duties it converts to dynamic / Kinetic energy, but if we touch the feet first the energy flows downward and makes body feel much tired, instead if we touch the hands first, energy flows upwards and is beneficial.
In India we see many rivers as sacred, and bathing there daily is impossible, so we used to chant before bath, touching the water -
"Gange Cha Yamune chaiva
Godavary Saraswathy
Narmade Sindhu Kavery
Jalesmin sannidhim kuru"
- Let the holy waters of Ganga, Yamuna, Godavary, Saraswathty, Narmada, Indus, Kavery be present in this water.
While getting to sleep, there also we take some time in the bed in sitting position, to avoid sudden change from Vertical pose to Horizontal pose, also do eveluate the day and ask pardaon to God any sin we did.
"Kara Charana Krutham, Vakkayajam Karmajam Va
Sravana Nayanajam va Manasam Vaparadham
Vihithamavihitham va Sarvamethal kshamaswa
Siva Siva Karumabdo, Sree Mahadeva Shambho"
- God, For Any sin, by deed, by word, by hearing, by seeing, by mind, Give pardon to all them.
As all heard from CHildhood, we were not used to sleep with head towards north, The reason for that saying is that to avoid bodyposition parallel to earth’s magnetic field. Which will help facilitating smooth blood pumping to the brain.
These are 3-4 of daily rituals among many that we were practised before. All have a scientific background, and to which the present generation give no value.